Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 1:6-7

6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. NKJV

In reference to the changing of the economy and security in these last days, their are a lot of people, Christians included, in fear and anxiety about the future. Not only are many people afraid of not having enough money but they are equally concerned about their safety. Some fear the sudden tragedy and calamity of war (terrorism), while others fear losing the safety of having good physical health. It is amazing how many people desire a good health care program for themselves and their family without regard for good health care for the financially less fortunate. However the Lord has already given us an effective way to handle these uncertainties. The difficult situations of the world’s system have already been successfully figured out in Christ Jesus. The fear of things concerning your future should be handled in Christ Jesus. The Lord is our answer both now (today) and forever (tomorrow). He can help you financially and He can keep you safe from all accidents, tragedy, calamity, any sickness and all diseases when given ample time to strengthen your spirit and soul. We, through God’s Grace, handle the unknown by the known, just like we dispel darkness (confusion) through light (understanding). The Knowledge of God’s Word (like these two scriptures) is a major way we strengthen our heart and mind. Praying in tongues stirs up the gift of God known as the Holy Spirit within to enhance the working of God’s power and love in your spirit. If the Word of God (Jesus) is given expression in your life through intimate fellowship and believing His Promises He will remind you that as a Christian you have no reason to fear. Why, because first of all, God’s power is with you constantly. Secondly, you have God’s never failing love working inside of you eternally. God’s Word states in 1 John 4:18 that God’s perfect love cast out fear. Thirdly, you have a sound (sharp, vibrant, intelligent, renewed) mind which simply means you understand that the enemy is busy, but still defeated by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. Our testimony is (and must be) speaking the Words of God both inwardly and outwardly consistently because that is what we wholeheartedly believe. So remember no matter what you are hearing or seeing in these last days we still have a certain victory in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Savoir, Financier and Protector. In dark times God’s Light shines the brightest in the Person of Jesus Christ living inside every Christian upon this earth. Amen!